Shopping / Tools

Your favorite sewing tools: A compilation

A while back I shared five of my favorite sewing tools and I also asked for your suggestions of great sewing tools so that I could compile them in a blog post and share the knowledge. I got some really cool tips, several that I hadn’t even heard of, much less own. But I can see myself getting all of these in the future (I have already bought one)

So here goes a list of your favorites. Thank you to everyone who contributed!



One of Kathleen’s favourites are magnetic seam allowance guides. “You attach to your scissors when cutting so you can add a seam allowance or fit insurance WHILE cutting. Huge time saver” These are Hollie’s Seam Allowance Guides and looks really cool.


Several of you suggested getting a pair of good embroidery scissors, great for snipping threads and such. Jane writes “I use them for snipping threads at the machine, sometimes for a little bit of unpicking, for snipping notches, when hand-sewing and just all those little detailed bits of cutting. I have a few pairs so I can always find one”

Kai’s small scissors are regarded highly for this purpose.


Kathleen also recommended the seam guides by Nancy Zieman from Clover. These can be used in six different ways, from everything curves and straight lines to topstitching and quilts. Looks very simple and clever


Julie’s favorite sewing thing is the magnetic pincushion “I just throw my pins near it, and they are back in the proper place”. I actually bought one just the other day, can’t wait to start to throw pins at it!



One of Donna’s favourites is a curved ruler with different seam allowance on it. Hers is from Kathy Ruddy.



Another of Donna’ss favourite is a tailor’s clapper. This tool is used to create immaculate pressed seams and creases when pressing. The one in the photo is from Angela Wolf.


Again thank you all for the awesome list of tools!