Here is the full replay of my livestream about sergers/overlockers. As usual the chat was lit with lots of tips and questions.
Topics that we covered in the livestream
- My own serger journey
- Serger stitches and their different uses
- The difference between a serger and a sewing machine
- Serger brand recommendations (Juki, BabyLock and Janome got the most votes)
- Tips for getting the best seams
- Threads, threading and different types
- Needles for sergers, what type and sizes
- Securing and unpicking serger seams
- Serger book reccomendation
- Trouble-shooting tips
- Plus lots of other stuff
Things mentioned in the video
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Great books about sergers
(affiliate links)
Sewing with Sergers: The Complete Handbook for Overlock Sewing by Palmer/Pletsch
Serge With Confidence by Nancy Zieman
The Serger & Overlock Master Guide
These are the ones I have read myself and can recommend, but there are more out there so please share if you have more book suggestions or other resources.
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