I’ve finally gotten started working on my upcoming jeans sewing book this summer, so I figured I should do a little update and also create a way for you to get notified about the book, including pre-sale info, and all that good stuff.
So watch the video to learn more about the content of my book, plus get some cool insider tips from a jeans making pro. Then if you like, sign up below to get notified about my book.
And since I want to offer you who sign up a little extra, I have created a jeans sewing pdf tool kit, with a sample of the pattern pieces and templates that will be included in the book.
Included in the package:
- Front pocket pattern piece
- Front pocket backing pattern
- Key pocket pattern piece
- Zipper topstitching templates
- Back pocket pattern piece
- Jeans fly shield pattern piece
- Back pocket press templates

In the pdf, there will links to all the tutorials on the blog where I show how to use all the patterns and templates included in the pack. You can use these with any jeans or pants sewing pattern for that professional, RTW, look.
And if you are curious, here are all posts in my jeans sewing tutorial series
I am very excited about this project, and I will even take time off from my day job this fall to make it happen. Because to be honest, I don’t have it in me right now to write a third sewing book, on top of working full time. But still, it’s a lot of work ahead of me!