My latest book Sewing Jeans is now available in German too! You can get Jeans nähen from wherever German books are sold and just like the German version of my book Master the Coverstitch Machine (Perfekt Nähen mit der Coverlock) it is published by Stiebner Verlag which is a big German publisher, that releases a tonne of craft books every year.

The layout and content are exactly the same as the original Sewing Jeans book. Lots and lots of very detailed step-by-step instructions, so that you can easily understand and execute even the more advanced jeans sewing techniques.

Of course, there is also a chapter on jeans pattern alterations and fit adjustments.

When I say detailed step-by-step instructions I really mean it! I put so much work into these tutorials since sewing is such a visual learning process, so I wanted to make sure you could really achieve great results, even if it’s your first time sewing jeans.

I’m so proud of this book! And the English version currently has over 240 reviews on Amazon currently, with an average rating 4.8 out 5, which just blows my mind!
Buy Jeans nähen on Amazon (Amazon affiliate link)
Buy Perfekt Nähen mit der Coverlock on Amazon (Amazon affiliate link)