Made by me / My makes

It’s a Onion wrap or how I became a lady who lunches

I can safely say that this is something of a style departure for me, even though I have always liked black and white and graphic prints. For one thing it’s a more mature look, plus I feel super rich in a 80’s kind of way. Just wish it was more of a reality too!

I’ve been glued to the sewing machine today as the dress had to be finished tonight. I’ve developed this bad habit of running late with things lately, and while I do crack it, it does add a certain stress. Anyways, it all went super well once I figured the Danish pattern instructions out (Onion is a Danish pattern company). It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I like many other Swedes I find it hard to understand Danish, even though the languages are very closely related. While the Danes seem to have no problem understanding us, which just makes me feel even more stupid. Yes reading should be easier than hearing, but they have such funny words for things in Denmark!

I did a pretty literal knock-off of a classic Diane von Fürstenberg dress. Or as close as I could, since there is very little info on how they are constructed, though this Ebay guide (in five parts) was somewhat helpful. I think of all the wrap dress patterns that I investigated the Onion is probably the closest to the real deal, especially if you want to use binding like in this DVF dress. Most other pattern has both darts and a waist seem, which the original doesn’t have. At least not the current DVF styles.