Life of Johanna

Master the Coverstitch Machine: Now sold in even more stores

Now you can get your print copy of Master the Coverstitch Machine at even more stores around the world! Plus, after being listed as out of stock for a little while, I’m happy to report that my beautiful, proper print-run edition of my book Master the Coverstitch Machine is now available on the Amazon platforms again. I nearly fainted of joy when my UK-based distributor called and said that Amazon US wanted to place a big (for me!) order.

Buy my book on Amazon (affiliate link)

Then I fainted a bit more when they told me the shipping cost (which Amazon has me, the publisher pay) but Amazon as a marketplace is hard to ignore. Currently, around 75 percent of my print books are being sold through Amazon, which kinda tells us a lot of how dominant this platform is.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links, meaning that a commission is earned from qualifying purchases.

I also, finally, have a Swedish shop selling my book, Erikas Syskrin, which I highly recommend for all your sewing needs plus she has the best coverstitch notions (she ships internationally). The first batch of books almost sold out in less than a week, so yesterday I went back with another box (we live in the same city). Which was super fun and encouraging, especially in the light of last week’s blog post.

I also got great news for all you UK-folks! If you are in the UK and want to get my book into your local bookshop or library, please nudge your local connections, since I now have a UK distributor and the book is listed in all the UK wholesale databases, so it’s super easy for them to order the book.
The ISBN is 978-9163961519.

You can also buy my book straight from my distributor YPD Books at a great price, which also pays me more than pennies 🙂

But didn’t you already have print-run, you may ask? Yes, I have been selling printed books from the start, but I was using two print-on-demand (POD) services for printing and distributing the books to buyers and wholesalers. That’s a great way to get started with print books since there is a very minimal upfront cost for me and no waste if the book doesn’t sell, a copy only gets printed if there is a buyer! 

The drawback with POD is lack of control over quality and the small profit margins for me as an author.  So I decided to take a risk and invest the revenue from the previous book sales into printing 2000 books (!). But I’m so happy I did because the book looks absolutely amazing 

I’m also looking into getting the book translated into other languages. I just got started with contacting publishers, so if you have suggestions on possible sewing book publishers in your home country, please let me know!

I’ve also updated my Master the Coverstitch Book page an extended list of book shops where you can get the book, plus wholesale info. I still have to rely on print-on-demand in some countries since it’s super hard to find distributors in every corner of the world when self-publishing and I want to make sure the book is still available globally.

So today I feel pretty awesome for making all this happen, especially since I was a complete novice about book printing and distribution when I started to look into this early this summer. And now I can finally hold the fruits of my labours in my hands and also knowing that my book is being sold in so many places (and hopefully more to come!)

A big thank you to everyone who has bought my books! It means the world to me and I’m so honoured that you picked my book as one of your sewing companions.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links, meaning that a commission is earned from qualifying purchases.