Fall can mean a fresh start, and in my case, this is very true this year. As I’ve mentioned in passing previously, I’m currently taking a little break from my day-job so that I can focus fully on my sewing projects for a while.
The thing is, I’ve been maintaining a full-time job while also writing two sewing books, doing weekly YouTube videos, launching a small accessory sewing pattern line, blogging every week and doing lots of other things that goes into having what has essentially become a sewing business.
Now, this is not a sustainable way to live, at least not long term. To be honest, it’s like asking for an eventual burnout and after I published my second book Master the Coverstitch Machine this spring, I began feeling the first signs of a burnout approaching, such as forgetfulness, lack of motivation, tiredness and having a harder time to decompress.
So what to do?
So something had to give, and from a financial point of view, that would have to be the sewing content creation. Because let’s be honest, I think most sewing entrepreneurs would make way more money at a day-job, due to how small the market still is and one also has to factor in how our beloved craft is monetary valued in the world, especially compared to many other pursuits.
Which felt kinda bleak, because I really love what I do, and I was also, finally, experiencing some momentum and had tons of ideas moving forward, including writing my third sewing book (about sewing jeans). Plus launching garment sewing patterns. Luckily, I found out about another option, which brings me to what is happening right now in my life.
Taking the leap
The short version is that Sweden is a pretty great place for workers, and one benefit that we have is that we are allowed an entrepreneurial break from our day-jobs for up to six months, that allows us to keep our position, and hence have a safety net to fall back upon.
So when I found out about that, I felt like it was too good of an opportunity to miss. Plus I’m kinda half-term into my working life right now, with at least 20 years more to go, so why not step off the hamster wheel for a bit and be brave for once?
So starting this week, I am off my day-job and able to devote all my time to this. Of course, it’s not all rosy, and I now have other stresses to navigate, such as financial ones and worrying about if I will be able to pull it all off.
What happens now?
In the cards right now is getting my first garment sewing pattern off the ground and then dive more intensely into the making of my third book. I will also hold some live sewing classes (more info coming soon), plus lots of other things that will hopefully come into fruition in the upcoming months.
I think the biggest challenge will actually be to not work myself to the ground with this, now that I have no time boundaries and so many ideas. I’m still experimenting with a good schedule and rhythm, but I have at least promised myself to take Saturday’s off from computer work. So today, the plan is to do some of the things I enjoy and then later today, probably sew something for fun!
So this is my new season of life, and I will definitely share more of this journey here, both the ups and downs of course!