I also added single welt pockets, however they ended up being a bit small so I can’t really store a wallet or my cellphone in there. The welt pockets are made from one single piece of fabric and based on a method I found in Reader’s Digest’s Complete Guide To Sewing book. I love this method, it’s easy and removes a lot of the stress around making welt pockets. The downside is that you have to use the same fabric for both the welt and the pockets, which means that you can’t use lining fabric.
I tried my best to align the stripes on the sleeves with the bodice, but didn’t quite succeed. The narrower the stripes are and the more curved the raglan sleeve is, the harder it seems to match the stripes.
As for the cuffs with thumbholes they can be done using my video tutorial.
Another detail I added on this jacket was the front ribbing on the hoodie, I don’t know where this idea came from originally, I think I might have seen this on some hoodie and then it subconsciously entered my mind. Once I get some spring sewing done, I will probably do a second batch of hoodies and add some tutorials too, like how to attach the waist ribbing and the zipper at the same time which is a really nifty construction technique that I’ve copied from ready to wear garments.